Love day happens this year on a Sunday, the full day of love when I consider the love remembered and felt at church on a normal day!
Today is a bit of a different day! Mo (husband nickname) went to Sunday school today, and I slept off a dose of cold medicine. I've been struggling with my place in our church and while I probably coulda made it thru Sunday school I found it easier to fall back to sleep when he left.
My struggle at church stems from several reasons but the most easily explained is our recently emptied nest. The is the first year having both children in college. Mo and I watched as No. 2 left for college last August. She is in school almost 5 hours away. No. 1 is in her first of two senior years of college only 2 hours away and near many family and friends that woud be able to be by her side in minutes if needed. BUT... for No. 2 that is not possible. I struggle wanting to fix all their troubles, help with homework and deliver a pizza for lunch. I am hugely proud of both girls...but what about me? I've been not much else but MOM for the past 21+ years.
Mo will be the first to tell you I've had a hard time adjusting to the 'empty nest' situation! We both have said frequently that No. 2 leaving happened just in time. She is fiercely independent and was ready to be 'on her own' about a year before her high school time was up! All that being said...I miss her! I am
So now...While I continue loving...I am learning ideas, new work endeavors, new crafts, new ways to clean house (a biggie!) ...I am a lifelong learner ... So I'm pondering...what to do?! How do I love without smothering my 'adult' daughters...Do you have any ideas?
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